DeLIMITations is a 2,300-mile site-specific intervention by artists Marcos Ramírez ERRE (Mexico) and David Taylor (United States) that physically delineated the never before surveyed 1821 boundary between Mexico and the United States as described in the Adams-Onís Treaty of 1819. The project was commissioned by SITE Santa Fe as an offsite work for the 2014 exhibiton Unsettled Landscapes which was the first installment in the three part SITElines series. In 2022 the project was recognised by Monument Lab, a public art and history studio which seeks "to illuminate how symbols are connected to systems of power and public memory" and "engage critically with our inherited monument landscape." As a means of creating a durable record of the proect Taylor and ERRE produced a series of works for musuem exhibtion which have traveled to venues throughout Mexico and the United States.
Marcos Ramírez ERRE placing DeLIMITations obelisk No. 20 at Fremont Pass, CO, 2014
DeLIMITations Portfolio
48 archival inkjet prints with cover sheet in a custom portfolio box
17x22" sheet size
Images document the location of each marker with GPS coordinates recorded at the bottom of the print.
When ‘Forever’ Lasted 27 Years/Cuando ‘Para Siempre’ Duró 27 Años
DeLIMITations project broadsheet which includes the Adams-Onís Treaty text description of the 1821 boundary with artist commentary.